Excellent features for you
We help you make your website lighter by stripping off Unused CSS and implementing other performance-enhancing tweaks. So your website runs faster and converts better.
Excellent features for you
We help you make your website lighter by stripping off Unused CSS and implementing other performance-enhancing tweaks. So your website runs faster and converts better.
Our key features to make your Websites more faster
Our key features to make your Websites more faster
CSS Delivery
JS Delivery
Image Delivery
Font Delivery
Content Delivery Network
Titan Optimizer
Titan Optimizer
Uncover Website's Efficiency
Ultimate Page Performance Hub
CSS Delivery
Unused CSS
Critical CSS
Minify CSS
Remove whitespaces &
comments from the CSS
JS Delivery
Defer Javascript
Load JS in background
Minify Javascript
Remove comments and
whitespaces from the JS
Delay Javascript
JS loaded and initiated
on user interaction
Image Delivery
serve next-gen images
Serve JPEG and PNG
images in Webp or AVIF
Adaptive Delivery
Optimizing image delivery
for better user experience.
Lazy Load Images
Images below the fold
will be lazy-loaded.
Lazy Load Iframes
Iframes are restricted
from loading during
page load
Prioritize LCP Image
Above-the-fold images
are prioritized.
Font Delivery
Self-host Google Fonts
Google fonts are served
via RapidLoad CDN
Preload Critical Fonts
force a visitor’s browser
to load important fonts
27ms latency
112 Edge Locations
All Resources served through the CDN
Page Cache
Granular Control
Mobile cache
Unused CSS
Critical CSS
Minify CSS
Remove whitespaces &
comments from the CSS
Minify Javascript
Remove comments and
whitespaces from the JS
Defer Javascript
Load JS in background
Delay Javascript
JS loaded and initiated
on user interaction
serve next-gen images
Serve JPEG and PNG
images in Webp or AVIF
Adaptive Delivery
Optimizing image delivery
for better user experience
Lazy Load Images
Images below the fold
will be lazy-loaded
Lazy Load Iframes
Iframes are restricted
from loading during
page load
Prioritize LCP Image
Above-the-fold images
are prioritized
Self-host Google Fonts
Google fonts are served
via RapidLoad CDN
Preload Critical Fonts
force a visitor’s browser
to load important fonts
27ms latency
Uncover Website's Efficiency
Ultimate Page Performance Hub
Exciting Perks of Titan
Uncover Website's Efficiency
Route to Page Excellence
Ultimate Page Performance Hub
Titan Optimizer
Titan Optimizer, powered by Google PageSpeed Insights, offers a comprehensive analysis of your web page’s performance. It not only evaluates your site but also provides insightful recommendations to enhance its efficiency.
This tool showcases a detailed breakdown of performance audits, explaining the precise impacts on your page’s loading speed. Opportunities for improvement, diagnostics for existing issues, and audits that have passed successfully are clearly distinguished.
For each identified opportunity, our tool offers practical solutions to resolve performance bottlenecks. Whether it’s optimizing images, leveraging browser caching, or minimizing JavaScript, we’ve got you covered.
Additionally, Titan Optimizer suggests RapidLoad options, enabling you to swiftly implement the proposed solutions, resulting in a faster and more efficient website. By utilizing this tool, you can enhance your page’s user experience and search engine ranking, ultimately driving more traffic and engagement to your site.
CSS Delivery
Bloated CSS are one of the biggest reasons for slow page load times and bad user experience. By using RapidLoad, you can now utilize all CSS stylesheets in an effective manner to get the best page speed scores.
RapidLoad provides a series of options to optimize your CSS delivery. Minify CSS, Removing Unused CSS and Generating Critical CSS are a few of them. With the use of these functions you can now obtain the best optimizations possible for the CSS on your site.
Titan Optimizer, powered by Google PageSpeed Insights, offers a comprehensive analysis of your web page’s performance. It not only evaluates your site but also provides insightful recommendations to enhance its efficiency.
This tool showcases a detailed breakdown of performance audits, explaining the precise impacts on your page’s loading speed. Opportunities for improvement, diagnostics for existing issues, and audits that have passed successfully are clearly distinguished.
For each identified opportunity, our tool offers practical solutions to resolve performance bottlenecks. Whether it’s optimizing images, leveraging browser caching, or minimizing JavaScript, we’ve got you covered.
Additionally, Titan Optimizer suggests RapidLoad options, enabling you to swiftly implement the proposed solutions, resulting in a faster and more efficient website. By utilizing this tool, you can enhance your page’s user experience and search engine ranking, ultimately driving more traffic and engagement to your site.
Exciting Perks of Titan
Uncover Website's Efficiency
Route to Page Excellence
Ultimate Page Performance Hub
CSS Delivery
Bloated CSS are one of the biggest reasons for slow page load times and bad user experience. By using RapidLoad, you can now utilize all CSS stylesheets in an effective manner to get the best page speed scores.
RapidLoad provides a series of options to optimize your CSS delivery. Minify CSS, Removing Unused CSS and Generating Critical CSS are a few of them. With the use of these functions you can now obtain the best optimizations possible for the CSS on your site.
Optimizing CSS Delivery can impact three main core web vitals
First Contentful Paint (FCP)
Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
Eliminate Render Blocking Resources
Minify CSS
Remove Unused CSS
Avoid non-composited animations
Optimizing CSS Delivery can impact three main core web vitals
First Contentful Paint (FCP)
Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
Eliminate Render Blocking Resources
Minify CSS
Remove Unused CSS
Avoid non-composited animations
Javascript Delivery
Scripts are the building blocks of a webpage. They help in maintaining the smooth functionality of the site.
Scripts are major contributors for slow page loading. RapidLoad can save your day by optimizing all these scripts and providing a faster page rendering. Defer and delaying scripts are two main such functionalities available in RapidLoad which impacts the core web vital metrics.
Scripts are the building blocks of a webpage. They help in maintaining the smooth functionality of the site.
Scripts are major contributors for slow page loading. RapidLoad can save your day by optimizing all these scripts and providing a faster page rendering. Defer and delaying scripts are two main such functionalities available in RapidLoad which impacts the core web vital metrics.
Optimizing JavaScript Delivery can impact all main core web vitals
First Contentful Paint (FCP)
Speed Index (SI)
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
Time to Interactive (TTI)
Total Blocking Time (TBT)
Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)
Eliminate Render Blocking Resources
Minify JavaScript
Avoid non-composited animations
Diagnostic - Reduce JS execution time - JS deferring
Optimizing JavaScript Delivery can impact all main core web vitals
First Contentful Paint (FCP)
Speed Index (SI)
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
Time to Interactive (TTI)
Total Blocking Time (TBT)
Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)
Eliminate Render Blocking Resources
Minify JavaScript
Avoid non-composited animations
Diagnostic - Reduce JS execution time - JS deferring
Image Delivery
RapidLoad provides a bunch of options to optimize all images on the-fly over our servers. So you won’t have to worry about resource usage anymore.
Image Compression function allows you to choose the compression mode that is most suitable for you. With lazyLoad, you can delay the loading of images and iframes till the users actually need them. Preloading images is another astonishing feature which allows you to preload images that are above-the-fold instead of lazy loading.
This is just a sample taste of what is found in the plugin to optimize your images. Using these features can improve your user experience as well as the page speed.
Image Delivery
RapidLoad provides a bunch of options to optimize all images on the-fly over our servers. So you won’t have to worry about resource usage anymore.
Image Compression function allows you to choose the compression mode that is most suitable for you. With lazyLoad, you can delay the loading of images and iframes till the users actually need them. Preloading images is another astonishing feature which allows you to preload images that are above-the-fold instead of lazy loading.
This is just a sample taste of what is found in the plugin to optimize your images. Using these features can improve your user experience as well as the page speed.
Optimizing Image Delivery can impact two main core web vitals
First Contentful Paint (FCP)
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
Defer offscreen images
Add height and width to images
Image compressions & Use preload attribute
Serve images in modern format
Optimizing Image Delivery can impact two main core web vitals
First Contentful Paint (FCP)
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
Defer offscreen images
Add height and width to images
Image compressions & Use preload attribute
Serve images in modern format
FOnt Delivery
Using our font preload feature you can load important fonts early on and make it visible to the visitor rather than waiting till the font is fully loaded. Self-Host google fonts is another feature that is available which can serve google fonts through the RapidLoad CDN. This will reduce latency when loading google fonts.
Yes! You are right, RapidLoad also focuses on your font optimization so that you can have the best experience.
Font Delivery
Using our font preload feature you can load important fonts early on and make it visible to the visitor rather than waiting till the font is fully loaded. Self-Host google fonts is another feature that is available which can serve google fonts through the RapidLoad CDN. This will reduce latency when loading google fonts.
Yes! You are right, RapidLoad also focuses on your font optimization so that you can have the best experience.
First Contentful Paint (FCP)
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
Eliminate Render Blocking Resources
Preload key requests
Ensure text remains visible during webfont load
First Contentful Paint (FCP)
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
Eliminate Render Blocking Resources
Preload key requests
Ensure text remains visible during webfont load
Content delivery network
That’s not it. RapidLoad also provides our customers with the facility of CDN which is used to deliver content to the users rapidly. You can now load resources in your site by using 112 edge locations with only 27ms latency.
Your private CDN endpoint will be provided so that you can use it in your own programs. Furthermore cache clearing is available incase if the CDN outputs old content in the site instead of the new changes.